More than seven out of ten Americans claim they frequently use some kind of social media.
This statistic has remained relatively stable for the past five years, so the trend looks pretty stable.
Much research has also been done on the breakdown of demographics regarding who uses what social media platform:

As you can see, the different platform use is quite varied across a wide selection of America. But how can a real estate agent navigate these platforms to their best advantage?
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
As part of our continuing partnership with real estate agents, River City Mortgage is here to help you optimize your business.
Let’s look at eight great social media tips for real estate agents.
1. Know The Basics
You may be a step-up on a few platforms already, but it doesn’t hurt to review the basic concepts of each of them. This way, you can also check if you’re using each site to its optimum potential.
The following are some social media tips for real estate agents about the most commonly used social media sites.
- The Facebook algorithm favors posts with a lot of engagement, so interact with your followers.
- Include images and videos with your written content to enhance your ranking.
- Use a business page as opposed to a personal page.
- Take advantage of page analytics and promotional tools on business pages.
- Almost exclusively a visual platform – use the most compelling visuals available.
- A series of images, as opposed to a single shot, can showcase a new listing.
- Some written content can be used to caption a photo to provide important details like contact information.
- More professional and text-driven than other platforms.
- Ideal for networking opportunities with other agents, brokerages, and current clients.
- Separate pages can be dedicated for agents as well as businesses.
2. Quality Content With Real Value
People turn to social media as a passive way to check on areas of interest, such as real estate.
Contacting the agent directly or going to their website might start the process of buying sooner than they’re ready. Social media exploration is considered a safe first step.
Since so many Americans use social media anyway, it makes sense to use the same tool for real estate searches that they’re already using.
But the key to gaining these visitors as followers, and potential clients, is to give them quality content. If they find value in what they experience on your platforms, they’ll continue to visit until it’s time to start the process of buying.
Short, relevant videos shared on your platform or a simple piece of content, such as an infographic or blog, can make a valuable connection with potential customers.
3. Consistent And Strategic Posts
Social media postings should be a fine balance between offering consistent, quality information without overwhelming your audience.
Randomly posting whenever you have time or feel like it won’t get your content noticed. But, conversely, if followers feel bombarded by rapid, empty postings, they’ll likely be turned off from your account and brand.
First and foremost, social media is best used to increase brand recognition and encourage your audience to associate it with real estate.
This idea is one of the best social media tips for real estate agents and the fundamental value of your posts to your business.
Feedback is key to learning how your balance is being maintained — for example, losing or gaining followers — and needs to be monitored. Pay attention to what they respond to, what they engage with, and what they don’t.
4. Automate At Your Risk
A helpful tool to achieve consistent postings is an automated system.
Automated systems are simple programs, such as Hootsuite, that allow you to set a scheduled stream of posts ahead of time and are available for most platforms.
The sites themselves, such as Twitter and Facebook, also have their own auto-schedule tool.
The benefit of a system like this is the time-saving payoff. It allows you to set a dedicated time to work on a social media strategy rather than on the fly throughout the day.
However, automated systems potentially make your brand seem robotic and impersonal. Some automated services will use common content generators, again removing any personal touch from your business.
When searching for a home, most clients would rather deal with a human being rather than a machine.
The key is to still create your own content, but utilize the scheduling options as a way to optimize your time. This ensures that you’re posting consistently and not bombarding your audience without realizing.
5. The Personal Yet Professional Touch
If a client or potential client directly messages you, they might be hoping for an immediate response. This can get tricky since you may be juggling different responsibilities with your business.
Even a quick response of acknowledgment and promise of a solution asap can make a big difference.
If you have a set of generic responses to questions at the ready, it can save a lot of time. Facebook Messenger is a common tool that offers this option for business pages.
Mass messaging clients, with a tool such as Mail Chimp or Constant Contact, can also be handy. But make sure you add a personal touch whenever possible, like the client’s name or other personal details.
As always, remember that each post and message is like a press release; it should be professional and on-brand each time.
6. #Hashtags
Hashtags are ubiquitous on social media postings for a reason.
Hashtags allow users to search for topics of interest and the platforms’ programs to find like-minded users and promote conversations.
The following are some specific social media tips for real estate agents (and users in general) where it comes to hashtags:
- Shorter is better. For example, #wowwhatapropertyforyou is difficult to read. #property is much easier.
- Don’t overuse. 3-4 hashtags per post at most is a good general rule.
- Consistency. If you use #AgentNickName, don’t switch to #AgentFullName on occasion. Use one or the other.
- Humor. Hashtags can add a nice touch of levity to your postings. As always, be professional.
- Real Estate Favorites. Some popular hashtag subjects for real estate agents include location, price range, important features, type of property, and square footage.
- You could always use your specific location to target users in your region, #OhioRealEstate or #JacksonvilleProperty, for example.
7. Visuals
There are many social media platforms specifically designed for visual mediums.
Instagram is particularly geared toward visuals, but that does not mean you should ignore them on other platforms. Always consider the chance to augment your postings with an attention-grabbing picture.
Displaying the properties you represent and their better features can go far to engage the interest of potential buyers. Examples of dream homes, even ones that you may not represent but are ideal representations, can inspire engagement and new followers.
Make sure whatever photo or graphic you’re using is clean and professionally composed. A sloppy or amateur visual can be a detriment to your efforts and brand.
A good general rule is to stop and think “Which posts do I engage with the most?” Chances are, if you wouldn’t want it your feed, other users won’t either and vice versa.
8. Create A Social Media Calendar
And for the final tip —the calendar.
Social media can be such a powerful tool for agents that it deserves dedicated attention. A social media marketing calendar can help you keep on schedule and produce that steady stream of consistent messaging.
You don’t have to use a fancy program if that’s not your style. Even a paper and pen system can be just as effective so long as it works for you.
This helps you to lay out everything you want to post that month in front of you. You’ll know that you’ll hit every topic that you want and not have to worry about missing anything.
It also helps you capitalize on the time frame. December, for example, could include real estate posts about the holidays. Or Jan. through April, you can capitalize on tax season and create content appropriately.
Social Media Tips For Real Estate Agents — Conclusion
Social media isn’t going away anytime soon — ignore this valuable tool to your detriment.
As part of River City Mortgage’s commitment to making the home buying process as easy as possible for all parties involved, we hope real estate agents find these tips helpful and insightful.
At River City Mortgage we sit down with real estate agents and homebuyers to build the simplest, most affordable strategy to get offers accepted and deals closed, together
A River City Mortgage pre-approval letter can make the difference between your clients making the sale and being passed over for another buyer. Our River City Seal Of Approval might be that edge your clients need in this demanding and exciting market today.
If you’re an agent interested in partnering with River City Mortgage, read more about our program and contact us today!
Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash